

The shipping trade, known as ‘bishu-kaisen’, that took dried-salted food, miso (fermented bean paste), sake, and soy sauce to Edo (Tokyo) and Kamigata (Osaka) was prosperous in this area. The charm of this locality is in its food. This is the legacy of our ancestors who have expressed themselves through food.. We hope we continue their legacy, passing down the delights of our cuisine to the next generation by offering safe local fresh seafood. Please enjoy Chita peninsula at its best with its food.



Although Katsugyo-fresh seafood cuisine, which prides itself on the natural taste of seafood, seems wild and unrefined, I believe it is the delicate flavors of our cuisine that bring out the flavor of the ingredients. The cuisine, representing the image of our land and in some ways, delivers powerful messages to our guests. This makes me realize that the Katsugyo cuisine is really our local specialty. We carry the torch and pass it down the generations. This is a family owned hotel set in a lovely seaside town, with good neighbors and familiar surroundings. And we hope to share a bit of the local charm through your stay with us. That's what our hospitality is all about.

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